TWCH has a team here right now working on various projects and a large medical team coming in for clinics next week. This means that there are cooks..taking over the food preparations and dish washing as well as new people to interact with at meals and after the work day.
The mason who's working on our interior walls didn't come last week but he and a helper started putting up the metal frames yesterday. Now they are out of supplies, which have been delayed coming from Port au Prince but maybe they will arrive tomorrow.
Making cheap pine doors look good |
Yesterday Cory and I were working on a down stairs doorframe in our house when the rain started. The water flowing into our cistern sounded like a huge bathtub filling up.
Some of this water will be used to plaster our interior walls.
Plastering mortar already arrived but we are waiting for the other supplies.
The digging crew has moved to a deposit we had noticed in the driveway to get more chalk/sand to plaster the walls.
Not sure if the two man masonry crew will stay up next week as most of the housing will be full of the medical team and support staff.
We've offered to let them stay at the house and to purchase a couple of mattresses for them.
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