Still hard due to the scrub bushes on the land so we returned yet again. This time I stood on one ridge with the camera. Thankfully Cory wore a light blue shirt so that I could see him easier.
He then would locate the ground stake, raise his hat over his head and let me take pictures.
Plans for June.
Cory will continue to plant and plan. Other than scrubby bushes there are no trees on the Wesleyan land.
Will post in another blog a list of trees and plants that Cory has already planted up at Délice. I think you will be impressed!
We hope to get some stakes down where we would like to put the house. This will allow us to hire a crew to start digging the hole for the water cistern. This needs to be done ASAP so that we can benefit from this year's rainy season.
Please be praying specifically for these first steps to develop the Dèlice property.
We will continue to build as funds become available. Remember by clicking the 'Dèlice' tab at the top of the blog you can get an update on where the funding stands.
We know that starting a new area of ministry will take a lot of prayer support and protection.
I've already spent time praying over the land.
House site. We love the view! |
Please help us to expand our prayer team by sharing requests with your church, friends, family, small groups.
You can also share our contact information with folks who pray. If they would like to receive e-mail/mailed updates from us directly please let us know. Thank you!
That is a gorgeous view, hope the cistern can be dug soon. Looking forward to the list of plants/trees already planted.
Thought of you and Delice at the Chelsea Flower show where they had experimental gardens, and several showing diversity in extreme areas.
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