Not much to report this week. Weather remained unseasonably cool and cloudy with on and off sprinkles all week seriously dampening and limiting garden work.
So Cory postponed additional visits to the various pastor's land but one did drop by yesterday with his family to buy a few trees.
Anna and I worked on school, still mostly double time but this week took extra just to finish up the week as we spent some of our time doing standardized testing. Thankful I can administer those at home.
Today Anna and friends head out to what amounts to regional volleyball tournaments in Cap Haitian.
In years past they would have played some games against the larger town to our east but Anna thinks they were just discouraged and gave up.
Next weekend nationals will be played near Port-au-Prince.
. So instead Cory and I are heading out to visit friends and check out some trees planted earlier in the year, good for Earth Day.
Eli will spend this weekend at college studying and having some fun with friends. Next week he will talk to his adviser about fall classes. Strange to think we are looking at his junior year already.
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