Monday, January 4, 2016

And then there were 3 again....

The first Monday of January 2016 started off with breakfast with a team of 8 (bikers and support team) heading to Childrean Of The Promise. They started in southern Haiti last week and biked their way here.

Because they planned to eat lunch in Cap Haitian before finishing their trip to COTP, they did not need to leave real early, allowing us to visit a bit before prayer and their leaving about 8:45.

Everyone started out in their truck until they got to Limbèe and Route National One when the bikers would start their day.

[see on Facebook that they made it..if you want more details check out Children of the Promise's page on Face book]

Eli was thankful we would have the team here to 'distract' us for a bit but the parting was hard.

Hard not knowing when we will see either of our sons or my folks again.

Because of the uncertainties of our adoption process we do not even know if we will be able to join the other Global Partner's missionaries in New York this May for the Missionary Summit.

But the Lord knows and He is in charge. Our parents and Eli made it to Miami yesterday and will continue on to Michigan today.

Anna started out her morning with a couple hours of volleyball practice after breakfast [she did squeeze in some school work before that].

I joined Cory in the plant nursery for a while between loads of laundry.

This afternoon I'm trying to finish this blog, cleaned up some of my in-box which filled up during the holidays, and will exercise.

Know mom talked about good-byes....I'm looking so forward to heaven-think that it will be a land of NO good-byes.

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