Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Post Party Day...

Quieter on campus today without parties.

In our house:
Dad and Eli worked on the bamboo goat shed, taking some reading breaks. 

           Eli may have been heard saying "Not enough time to do all the nothing that I want."

Mom read school books [Pilgrim's Progress and Robinson Crusoe] to Anna while Anna colored. 

I worked on getting music loaded into my computer so we can add some new tunes to Eli's i-pod    
          before he heads back to Calvin. 

I also did some reading and worked on getting our 2016 calendar ready to use. 

Hard to look at the calendar not knowing when F will be able to move home or get his visa to travel with us.

 Because of this huge variable other trips cannot be planned at this time. 

January 14th will be our two year mark in IBESR, children's social services office. 

Cory and the guys planted egg fruit and starfruit seeds in the nursery then watered the most recently planted gardens.

Jean Pierre went to Cap for other business and picked up our mail. 

Still enjoying Christmas cards and a couple of boxes from family!

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