Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day. The good and the bad.

Good news…..

  • Very thankful that Gerda improved with the IV's and feels better today.

  • Angie feels better as well.

  • The guys put the kitchen sink back in and after a slight plumbing mishap [Cory hooked up the old leaky hot water pipe that we have not used for years and panicked a bit when water started to gush out near the foundation.] everything works!
  • The guys started making church benches. The brown table will move into the cholera treatment area so that the patient's belongings no longer need to sit on the floor and get in the way of mopping.

  • Anna made good Valentine's cookies and plans to share the true story of St. Valentine this evening for devotions before family night fun. Her new bedroom curtains brighten her room thanks to Angie's sewing skills.

  • Our friend Rhoda visited today planning with Cory for a visit during June's agricultural conference in Limbèe for a few hours of garden tours as well as talking about medicinal plants and first aid. 
  • Newsletter envelopes printed and the letters almost ready to print.

  • The team continues to contribute to the finances of the clinic…see below.

  • Dad remains in the running for the best medically behaving team member!
Bad news…..
  • Still no rain-our brown crunchy grass reminds us to pray for the local gardens and fruit trees that the people depend on for food and income.
  • New patient. Mom because of producing to much blood regularly needs labs and blood draws to keep her numbers low. 

  • Today's high labs would normally have sent her to her local lab for 'blood letting' but we had to make do. I'll spare you the messy details- at the end we completed the draw and called for the truck to pick us up as Mom became lightheaded. She's resting comfortably now. Plan on repeating the lab work on Monday and ordered big needles just in case.
Thanks for praying and following along with our team and family. May you remember God's love for you on this Valentine's Day. 

How thankful I am that the Lord allows us to touch and bless people with His love. He provides us with the wisdom, strength and knowledge. 

Stop here if not medical!
One picture for the medical folks.

Thank you Lord!

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