The fellows made four tables today, so the paint department is very much behind.
One word of explanation here.
We have found, again, that the paint in Haiti just does not measure up to paint back home.
While trying to put on a good first coat on the benches today, some of the paint would just come off as we tried to smooth it out.
We are all hoping that the second coat will cover well.
It just reminds me again how much we take for granted at home.
Twenty-four hour electricity, stores that are available and have most anything that we need, running hot water, 24 hour internet, glass in our windows are just some of the things that come to mind.
One thing that people do not realize is how much effort it takes to do meals, wash clothes, do some of the basic things of life and how much time missionaries need to spend on these things.
Since I have been helping Anna in school, I am amazed at what Eli and Anna are studying and how much effort, time it takes to keep them on track.
Lunch: Finished up the pumpkin soup, some creamed chicken, mashed potatoes, fried sweet potatoes and fried cassava.
Supper: Rice and beans with red sauce and coconut custard pie.
Cory worked on office work.
A good day...
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