On campus today an evangelism program through Compassion International to review with the students how to know the Lord.
Growing up Thanksgiving meant having a huge breakfast with Dad's family and then a early supper/dinner with Mom's family.
Family-catching up on the newest news or revisiting familiar or new stories from the family archives.
For the first time ever we cooked a whole bird. Anna named him, Mr. Turkey so that we could say we had turkey. Step one: make sure you buy an ugly bird to help you not get to attached.
Two: Have Cory do the butchering while advising thanks to google. While I grew up on the farm I'm used to bigger 4 legged critters not birds.
Three: Have everyone helped pluck and make it a learning experience!
Four small apples lasted in the refrigerator since our return in early September only to end up in a great tasting pie. Pumpkin and mock apple as well.
Still enjoying one of the best parts about Thanksgiving….the left overs.
Chicken rice soup tonight.
Today we brought sweet potato muffins and cookies to the Christian radio station and celebrated being thankful to the Lord for our blessings with others working in the area.
Enjoyed both visiting with friends we've met in the past as well as meeting some new ones.
Yesterday morning we were called down to Pastor Emmanuel's house to pray for his daughter-in-law.
Today's report is that she's in the hospital in Cap doing better and that Pastor Emmanuel who traveled to Port-au-Prince this week for his health also feels a bit better.
Please pray for this family.
Tomorrow will be the first of December meaning only 32 days left in 2013, hard to believe.
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