Thursday, September 6, 2012

Prayer Request. Cap Haitian Airport.

Just received the E-mail below concerning closing of the Cap Haitian airport. This is the second largest airport in Haiti. Cory was to pick up 1,700 small banana plants next week to forward on most to LaGonave. Our MFI flight is for the 25th of September. Know that Pastor Denord is also due back in the next couple of weeks. Please pray.

If the airport would be totally closed we would drive to Port-au-Prince in the 24th and arrange a flight out from there. Our truck could sit and wait for our return through Port in Dec. so other than an extra day of travel and changing flights it would not be a huge deal for us but many other people without transportation in country or connecting flights this could be a nightmare and very costly.

I bolded a couple parts in the E-mail below. Thank you for joining us in prayer for this situation. We know the Lord is in charge. Just heard that the reason is for 'runway repairs'. 

"Okay, we know word has spread and things look.... well, not good... right now at the CAP airport.   I will try to bring you up to date on what is happening.

First the word that went out is that the CAP airport would be totally closed from Friday night at 6 PM until October 15th.  Needless to say this caused quite a stir for EVERYONE, but especially MFI.  There are teams scheduled in over this 5+ week interval, and they have made airline reservations, etc...which would cause a lot of financial problems.  But... be that as it may, we have been working on trying to find out exactly what is going on and what can be done.

I have been talking to the airport director here in CAP.  He is VERY  upset by this whole situation.  (Please, keep him in prayer as he is right in the middle of all things, and none of them are his doing.)  The director is trying to get them to have the airport open in the mornings, so planes can still come in.

This has gone up and down with decisions.  But evidently a lot of pressure is being placed everywhere.  So...things have been put on hold until a firm decision can be made.  Prayerfully in the next day or two there will be a decision.

Now we all know the situation MFI was placed in with the US government.  And we know a TON of prayers went up for that. And we also know that GOD ANSWERED THOSE PRAYERS!!  So, as a mission community, let's do the same thing for this whole situation here.  Get everyone in your mission praying that the government will see that they need to at least open for a few hours each day, so airlines can still come in.  Yes, things could somehow work out if it isn't open, but it would be costly and very involved.  We believe that God will honor the fact that this is a mission and that MFI is serving missionaries here.  So, pray with us, and pray diligently, that God will move in hearts of those in charge to have favor with opening the airport for those few hours and allow MFI to come in.  WE CAN DO IT IF WE UNITE AND PRAY TOGETHER. 

We will keep you informed as things progress. "

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