Saturday, June 4, 2011

4 June. A slow Saturday Afternoon.

I'm going to enjoy this slow afternoon by reading. Planning to read a book about home schooling high school, as well as a fun book [need to go look at my Kindle choices]. Water slowly dripping off the roof tells me that it is sprinkling but not hard enough to hear on the tin roof. I plan to enjoy this slow drippy afternoon as I know it will be the last one for the next 3 months.

This morning while Eli and Anna helped to clean the house, Chris and Kathleen helped Cory bring 2 loads of banana plants to the Port Margot church for distribution tomorrow. A bit of shopping at the market occurred before the clouds darkened as well.

I'm happy to announce that we now possess a list of 400 prayer partners. Still wanting and willing to add more so if you procrastinated in letting us know that you pray for us at least once a week..please let us know.

A photo shot to let you know that Haiti does possess some great roads. This stretch belongs to the road between Cap Haitian and Milot where our lab work occurred on Thursday.


Missus Wookie said...

your slow afternoon of reading whilst listening to the rain drip off the roof sounds blissful. Hope you enjoy it and it renews your spirit my friend.

Unknown said...

I have Kindle envy! I am too ADD to commit to praying for you regularly. But you need to know that I already do, even though I am short of making a vow to do so. Whenever I see a prayer need on your blog, I pray!

Kris Thede said...

Thank you ladies. As for the Kindle envy--alas after trying again yesterday my poor Kindle remains unable to bring up my list of books..I don't know if an electrical surge zapped it or what but it will go to the US next month to see if it can be helped. I still can read my Kindle books on the computer though so all is not lost. Thanks for the prayers, my friends.