Friday, May 20, 2011

20 May Cory's Trip

Today I asked Cory to tell a bit about the pictures he took on his trip this week.

He traveled to a new location for him to visit a friend, Tom, who is also from Michigan and involved in agricultural work.

Tom lives in the Artibonite valley which is an irrigated plain surrounded by seasonally dry mountains.

The climate, geology/soil, and plants were very similar to LaGonave Island.

The elevated seed beds are a technique he has taught local farmers for starting pepper, papaya, tomato and eggplant seedlings.

When the rainy season starts the plants are moved to the gardens.

Last year the farmers had very good income (Even by USA standards) considering the size of their small gardens, especially from the peppers.

Tom's tree nursery has mangos, grafted avocados, guava, limes, tangerines, cashew, sapodilla and other fruit trees.

Cory and Tom exchanged some fruit trees

1 comment:

Missus Wookie said...

Amazing how green things are. Glad the trip went well.