Monday, October 18, 2010

18th Oct. Update

Below is our monthly E-mail update. If you would like to be added to the list please let us know. We had a good weekend celebrating Eli's birthday again...this time with my family after he completed a hunter safety class. We visited a supporting church in Albion, Michigan.

Today we took Anna to her second orthodontist appointment, moving closer to her palate expander. Today I also went with Eli to sign for his deer license. Set up a few more appointments and received details on others. Please pray for us as we also need to make some decisions about next year's summer schedule.

Heavy rains in Port-au-Prince caused 12 deaths. Please remember to pray for these folks with no safe place to live.

October Update

Greetings from Allegan Michigan. The first part of October we enjoyed the crisp sunny Michigan days and brilliant fall colors of the leaves as we visited friends, family and fit in some appointments.

Medical. Pastor Rigo shared some numbers from the medical ministry prior to our leaving. In one year's time just over 5,000 patients received care as out-patients, 140 hospitalized, 70 babies delivered and 15 prayed to receive a rebirth into the family of God. Emergency care: after hours 4-8 patients receive care each day and about 12 per weekend.

Politics. With national elections drawing near the situation in Haiti, as before any national election, is starting to heat up. Cory receives E-mail notifications from the American Embassy of demonstrations or protests, and in the last couple weeks the warnings have increased greatly in number. Please pray for the Haitian people, those running for office, as well as for the safety of our missionaries in Port-au-Prince and LaGonave.

School. Eli and Anna continue to learn many things even though formal school days will not restart until our return to Haiti in January. They worked very hard and both did very well in their studies.

Haitian Creole Health Book. With the index of the heath book completed we need to decide the final size and where to have the book published. Then Kris will make sure that the pages end nicely, that the illustrations look OK with no extra spaces, and that the table of contents is correct. Kris also intends to work on a smaller children's version of the book. The first title didn't work in Creole so the title changed to Konsey Pou Viv Pi Byen which translates to "Advice for Better Living".

Agriculture. Gener and his uncle Yvon will continue to take care of the gardens while we are in the States.

USA Home Ministries.

Oct. 24th Dighton Wesleyan 11 a.m. [Tustin, MI]
Oct. 26th Speak at Cornerstone college in a class.
Oct. 31 Kentwood Community Church [Kentwood, MI]
Nov. 7th Living Hope 9:30(S.S.) 10:30 a.m. [ Cedar Rapids, IA]
Nov. 14th Trinity Wesleyan [Indianapolis, IN]
Nov. 21 Marshall Wesleyan 11 a.m. [Marshall, MI]
Nov. 28th Central Wesleyan [Jackson, MI]
Dec. 5th Lighthouse [Kalamazoo, MI]
Dec. 6th-9th ECHO Agricultural Conference Ft. Myers FL
Dec. 26th Allegan Wesleyan

Teams. Want to come for a visit? Kris's folks, very experienced team leaders and wonderful folks, have spots open on two teams in Feb. If interested please let us know-while we enjoy their visit even without a team we wouldn't want folks to miss the chance to come and work along side us. Roughly [depends on flights into Haiti] the dates - Feb. 1-17 or Feb. 15-March 1st. These teams really don't overlap as it takes 2 days to travel to us.

Prayer Partners: To update our records would you please let us know if you partner with us by praying at least once a week for our family and the work in Haiti. Don't underestimate the power of prayer and how much we rely on your prayers to protect, encourage and advance the work of the Lord.

Thankfully Serving the Lord in Haiti with your help,

Cory, Kris, Eli and Anna Thede

Prayer Requests
• Pastor Ducette's family
• Publication of Health Care Book
• Impact of the Kid's Club Ministry
• Home ministry Oct-Dec.
• Political stability during elections. Nov 28th
  • Protection for Haitians living in tents, tarps and on the streets.
  • Scheduling for 2011. We have some decisions to make about travel.

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