Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sept. 15 For those who have family and friends far away.

I shared this on the Sonlight forums today and thought it would be good here too.

Do Not cheat me.....please
While I live far away and
cannot watch
your kids or drop in to help you with X,Y, Z, I am still your friend / family member.

I am not there to give a hug or share a special event or holiday but I am still part of your life.

I cannot drop in to visit you at the hospital or make a meal or clean your house while your sick or recovering but I still care.

I may not be physically with you to cry with you over the losses but I mourn with you here.

I may not be able to offer advice for your problems or lend you my ear but don't ignore me.

Please don't cheat me from the one thing I can do....I want to do.....I need to do for you.

It only takes a couple of minutes to fire off a short E-mail or to phone me letting me know what is up. While I like details the bare bones is OK.

Please don't make me read on Facebook that you've been sick or struggling for days.

Please let me lift you up to Dad. I feel connected to you then. I'm helping when I do. I'm making a difference in your life from miles and miles away-across the barriers of time and space.

Please don't cheat me of this opportunity. Let me be a friend.
Photo of Dancing Lady flower

1 comment:

The Bronkema Family... said...

We love you guys! Thanks for being there and the prayer warriors that you are!