Thursday, May 13, 2021

Starfysh 2021 LaGonave Agricultural Conference

 For two and a half days over 100 people met in the Starfysh pavilion to learn more about God and agriculture.

People were invited from churches and organizations working on LaGonave and a few came from St. Marc.

Each day started with devotions and then different people spoke on important agricultural topics.

I spoke on Tuesday morning for devotions and on medical plants with Cory's help. 

I offered to pray with anyone who needed prayer and wished to pray with me. 

 I was blessed by several people sharing their requests and praying with me.

Through out the conference Cory spoke several times covering: soil fertility, nutrition, vegetables and fruits.

What a difference and blessing for Cory to talk to over 100 people, adults interested in plants and trees! 

While he enjoys sharing with the school children-the attention level and engagement cannot be compared!

Also a blessing to see many of the guys who worked for Cory when we lived on LaGonave, some who now work for Starfysh. 

Local preachers, Starfysh staff and interns also spoke on topics that included: work, salvation, okra, sweet potato, mangroves, Moringa, seed saving, growing gardens and chickens on the salt flats. 

After each speaker was a time for roughly 3 people to ask questions. 

Most days the speaking part concluded around 3 p.m. however folks would continue to talk as they did during breaks or wander around the Life Gardens.

Starfysh went all out for the Conference: a DJ for music during breaks and lunch; a wedding planner to decorate; a photographer; cooks; parting gifts and a beautiful certificate of participation for each person who attended.

Lunch was provided-great chicken, Haitian rice, a small salad, and cold drinks. Coffee and small pastry for breakfast. 

The gifts included: a 5 gallon bucket, Konsey and Konsey II books, a Haitian Creole New Testament, a bag of Starfysh coffee, 2 small avocado trees, a plastic watering can, and vegetable seeds.

We are very thankful that Dr. Steve invited us to participate in this wonderful experience. 

Pastor Charles and Dr. Steve

We continue to pray that the spiritual seeds, information and literal seeds will go forth and bring great harvests for the Lord's Kingdom and those who attended the conference. 

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