Saturday, January 13, 2018

Update on the Week

A long, busy, emotional week.

Monday Cory and Anna escorted my folks to the airport, and shopped.

Tuesday they shopped and did business around Port before coming back up the mountain.

Sunny day after 6 cloudy, foggy, rainy ones so we were able to use solar to do a load of wash.

Eli and I cleaned for the team and did some work on the house.

We celebrated Anna's acceptance to Calvin's freshman class in the fall.

Wednesday we had a day of emotional ups and downs..think holiday letdown and lots of work to do. But by the end of the day we were all in a better frame of mind-had some lumber for door frames painted and more windows in place.

Thursday and Friday's weather were similar with clouds, cool winds and afternoon light rain showers.  Lots of work done!
 Rock cleaning, sealing of the chalky rocks, window frames painted, windows put in, schoolwork, office work, cooking.....

The Canadian cabinet building team made it into Haiti on Friday, a day later than planned due to a canceled flight. They then traveled to LaGonave to visit and cut up the plywood.

Travel Prayers Please:  The plan as it now stands is for Cory to travel down the mountain tomorrow morning early while the team crosses the sea from LaGonave. Praying for a great sea crossing, for the team and so that the wood and luggage doesn't get soaked with salty sea water.  

Hopefully the truck driver will be waiting to pick up the plywood, supplies and likely part of the team's luggage. Then the drive back. The first 20-30 minutes they will travel on Route National One, a nice paved road. Then they turn to the mountains- about 16 miles that should take them around 2 1/2 hours.

Praying for the new driver and his truck. The mountain road contains lots of switch backs, narrow spots, steep parts, a small but rough river crossing, potentials for rocks falling and blocking the road. Rain or fog can also complicated the well as hiding the amazing views.

I assume when the team makes it up the mountain we will visit the house and show them the area a bit as we get to know them.

Please be praying for Anna as top cook for the week. She's very good but cooking for 15 is a big job!

The Haitian plaster crew will also be working on the house next week.

Thanks for the prayers. Expecting and giving praise for progress and new friends.

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