Monday, July 25, 2016

Women's conference completed.

Getting trees
Cory loaded our pickup truck at 4am with 10 passengers and a heap of luggage to head to Limbée so that the ladies on the national committee could catch the bus heading south.

They were very grateful for the ride as well as the help given during the conference.

They shared food, like pumpkin soup (Sunday breakfast),  throughout the week with us in gratitude.

Pumpkin soup beats most American breakfasts!
Or maybe because I've been pointing to Cory's skinny body as being healthier than being over weight, they are trying to put some pounds on him! ha...not that easy, even though he likes all the food.

We were just a handful of people short of 400 blood pressure checks during the week.

Cory sold about 75 fruit trees with star fruit and malay apples being favorites.

Papers about chaya and chaya branches were also handed out to plant as a vegetable bush.

We greatly appreciate the chance to see leaders working very hard to advance the Lord's kingdom.

All 25 of the northern district churches sent representatives to the conference.

Only one afternoon saw heavy rains and the tarps didn't blow away, allowing the new church site to serve as the main meeting site.

Leaders brining in offering with song and praise!
Tomorrow, the district pastors and national church committee members will come to campus for the last week of conferences for 2016.

We were able to share 6 buckets of starfruit at the conference despite some theft by several groups of thieves.

 Twice this weekend during the day, some of the guys stealing starfruits from the nursery attempted to take the trail camera but a loud keychain alarm attached to it scared them off and notified Cory.

Praying for them to get their lives on track. It will be interesting to see if the photographed people will be receptive to dealing with this in a positive way or if it will be up to the Lord to deal with them if we can't.

Police type options are very limited in a revenge culture where we don't even have local police.

Kris was able to message with Eli a bit on Saturday. He's busy experiencing and learning a lot. Both classes are easy over-seas fluff.
Still need a roof!

 Keep praying. Eli blogged 'first week down' followed by 'sad' his thoughts on visiting the Sacksenhausen concentration camp here.

They are in Berlin, more than 5 hours by train from the recent attacks in Germany. 

Anna finished up her second week of school and played one afternoon with some of the younger children attending the conference. 

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