With lots of help we soon finished and loaded up the truck. After dropping the team off at an oceanside restaurant we continued on to the airport.
Our last flight in or out of Cap Haitian occurred in early August 2013 before the renovation of the airport or American Flights being added. We were impressed.
Following figuring out the new system for immigration in Miami and a short layover we flew on to Chicago’s O’Hare airport for a chilly night on the floor and sitting in chairs.
Saturday my brother’s family joined us for supper. We unpacked and repacked to be ready to head to Indiana Wesleyan University right after lunch on Sunday for our week of Partnership Development Training.
We enjoyed visiting and worshiping at Allegan Wesleyan on Sunday morning before heading out the door.
At IWU we joined the missionaries who started Missionary training the week before with the Global Partners staff.
Eli and Anna enjoy their time with the other teens and because our family has a suite we can go to bed before they do!
Enjoying connecting to our missionary friends we’ve crossed paths with in the past, those we’ve only read about, the new missionaries to Haiti we met at retreat, and new missionaries to other areas.
Please pray for us tomorrow afternoon as we tape some video for our supporting churches and discuss our support base.
Please pray for the Haitian people living in the Dominican Republic.
Unless able to prove that they or their family entered the DR legally since 1929, the Haitians will be stripped of their rights and deported back to Haiti, starting this week.
As many as 250,000 could be deported to Haiti, some may not speak any Creole or never have visited Haiti.
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