Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Trip to Borie.

Today Cory and Larry went to a place about twenty-five minute from here to look for a new place to plant trees.

They went to a village called Borie.  In Larry's words, 'an amazing place'.

 The roads was no more than a reddish clay..they past many huts and Larry wonder where they were going when suddenly there appeared a Wesleyan church and school on the side, literally, of a mountain.

 The church and first level of the school were attached together on ground level, then when you walked in the school yard gate, you were confronted with the side of the mountain.

All the remaining classrooms were elevated on the mountain.

There were no steps, just rocky paths connecting the classrooms.

There were 280 children, all uniformed students in the school.

[Dad noted that some of the smaller students must not see white folks often as they were afraid of him.]

 Larry also was amazed by the French ruins.  Pieces of old..1700's..walls 2 feet wide and 2 feet thick remain.

They also saw two wells and an irrigation system.

The colonial irrigation system which was 10-15 feet deep, no cracks in the cement walls and a four foot pipe that the people there said went all the way to Limbe, at least 7 miles.

Now it has been draining water for hundreds of years.

Altogether, a look at a place in Haiti that was new for Larry.

The rest of us stayed home and did school.

It was one of those days that reminded me of why homeschooling can some days be a trying experience.

  It was another beautiful day and we are thankful for it.

Truck plates headed to Port...praying we can get the new ones back this week.

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