Friday, November 7, 2014

Home again

A major perk or blessing of working for the Lord remains all the fantastic folks He brings into one's life.

We enjoyed our week in Cap Haitian with the Holy Cross Lutheran team from Ohio. The week did not go according to Plan A or even B due to heavy rains across northern Haiti that caused some severe flooding. [Heard news that this storm system killed 17 in Haiti]

We did not do any clinic on Monday. Did not get to visit the church at Dondon or hold a clinic there. Cory did not get to teach the school's cooks how to use moringa as none of the schools in Cap Haitian had any classes this week.

We did see 228 patients during 2 full days of clinic and 2 days of morning rainy clinics. The smaller clinics let us spend more time with patient education.

The gal who runs the hotel shared as we prayed with her before leaving how much that prayer means to her and her family. Her sister, who is in Canada with a mom battling leukemia had been asking if the team had prayed yet. They stay at the same hotel every visit so a strong relationship has developed. I've prayed for this family since our visit last year.

Yesterday after we said good-bye to the team Cory and Anna took some of them to the airport for their MFI flight while Pastor Benard drove the rest. Then we loaded up and started home.

Stopped for a cup of ice cream as a treat [bubble gum and chocolate]. Followed by a stop to check out a plant/tree nursery and a stop at the gas station store. Home. Unpacked. Checked out the leak above Eli's desk. And to bed...some with colds so good to be in bed early.

Adoption news. Since September's month of prayers 15 or so new referrals!! More I think than the total for the 1st 8 months of the year with 10 already in November. The referrals were folks who's orphanages suggested the children. Keep praying!

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