Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Criminal Responsibility

Sunday the pastors of the Northern District of the Wesleyan Church of Haiti exchanged pulpits as they normally do the last Sunday of October.

This year Pastor Nicodem shared at Fauche. Being Reformation Sunday most of the time was spent reflecting on Luther's life and contributions to the Kingdom. Pastor also talked a bit on Romans 12:1-2. How no man can block the path God has for you. God does not ask us to do things He will not help us complete and how we need to give our lives as a living sacrifice.

Then, almost as an after thought he added a sentence or two that caught my attention and thoughts.
When there are crimes done in your neighborhood do you consider how you personally are responsible? If you did not reach out to the person committing the crime to share the Lord's love and message of salvation then you're in part responsible for the crime. Had the criminal heard maybe they would have accepted the Lord transforming their life and preventing the crime!!

WOW. One almost wishes you could see what a difference a serious commitment to this goal would make in our cities and neighborhoods.

Making the extra effort to make sure people are doing OK. Not stopping when they report 'I'm OK or 'Fine' but pushing a bit to find out how people really are doing and then committing to pray for them.

Just a few ways to make a difference.

  • Reaching out to troubled young people struggling with school or life. 
  • Visiting the lonely. 
  • Writing letters or visiting those in prison or their families to support them during this hard time. 
  • Taking in foster children or adopting those who need a loving home. 
  • Helping someone with a financial need get on their feet. 
  • Working to keep a wholesome atmosphere in your town where children can grow up safely.  
  • Holding people accountable and letting them hold you accountable.
  •  Helping those who struggle with addictions and encouraging them to stand again after a failure. 
  • Praying for leaders of local gangs, terrorist groups or those who vocally attack the Christian faith. 
  • Supporting groups like AA, after school programs......
  • Volunteering your time and resources to community projects, at a homeless shelter or food pantry or one-on-one mentoring.
  •  PRAYING! 

The next time you watch the news or read your local paper, pay attention to the crimes or the section that lists arrests. Then ask, What did I do to prevent this suffering. Suffering of both the criminal and the victim and their families? Ask the Lord what you can do to make a difference.

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