Saturday, September 21, 2013

Agricultural Update.

While we hear that the first part of August no rain fell here, it rained a couple times since we arrived home including 2 inches the first night.

The Dragon fruit plants almost doubled in size since we left. Now Cory needs to find locations for the new varieties that he bought.

He may bring some plants to share with the folks on LaGonave next week.

The banana bunches are all staying on campus now that the word is out that there may be security cameras taking pictures.

While we've had a trail camera for a while generally it only takes pictures of folks walking through the garden and a few times at night the pictures were not clear enough or at a good angle to identify a thief.

Tasted our first 'Super Thai' jackfruit this week but unfortunately the guys did not watch it carefully and by the time Cory checked it was past the peak of ripeness. It was crisp despite starting to ferment so the texture is better than the mushy varieties.

Cory is working on getting peach palm seeds from CATIE's extensive collection of varieties in Costa Rica. The fruit are not sweet like a peach but are more like a small buttered potato and eaten after boiling in salted water.

[As for our adoption paperwork we should of filed here looks like we need to wait until the first part of October to see if they will send the paperwork from Texas to Haiti.]

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