We started out with breakfast and then I shared a bit about our thoughts of focusing on relationships, being flexible, seeing what lessons the Lord may have for us to learn and the power of prayer.
We then prepared to visit the clinic and dentist. While folks got bug spray on for the short walk and a couple finished hanging up the wet clothes on the line a couple of school age boys came to the door asking for the soccer ball to be pumped up.....
So while Cory and his men prepared paint supplies and waited for the classrooms to be unlocked I took the team to see the clinic/hospital.
Dr. Winick and Dr. Pierre already seeing patients so will talk later about the work. P. Rigo will speak to the team on Thursday as well.
Cory fit in a few minutes of banana information while we waited for the rooms to be unlocked.
Then the team cleaned down the walls and started painting the classrooms.
Much easier with an empty school yard than it would of been with hundreds of cute, curious, dare I say mischievous children coming to check on the work.
They completed 2/3 the paint job before lunch despite a late start.
Eli, Anna and I snuck in a bit of school work during the painting.
After lunch the team met P. Philip and looked over the basket items he had for sale.
Most pastors work a second job to help with expenses and P. Philip makes nice baskets and hot plate holders.
At three we headed to Port Margot for another Kid's Club. The same skit but a bit hard to hear as power tool sounds echoed just behind the church.
But one of the leaders reviewed the story making sure everyone understood the Lord's resurrection and what it means to us.
We sang songs, Lyrics shared again, we did introductions and a couple new things.
First a craft with putting colored beads on a string to pin on your shirt or hair. Silver stood for living life separated from God. Red- Jesus's blood. White-forgiveness and cleansing Green-spiritual growth. Yellow-heaven.
The leader reviewed this as well practicing until the children could name what each color symbolized.
Then he took it a step farther and explained how they could use this as a tool to share with their families what they had learned as well as to introduced children to Jesus.
The children were to pass the balloons down the rows while singing.
Anna led and when the singing stopped the 4 children holding balloons were to bring them up front.
After tweaking things a bit it worked quite well.
The four children up front then sat on their ballon to get the verse out.
This everyone found very funny. Then they learned the verse.
Back at Fauche we discussed tomorrow and made some tentative plans.
We're told that school will happen so plan to make our first prayer walk, a children's program in Limbeè and then hurry back to join Eli and I for the first afternoon of the Book Herder Library program.
Supper. Devotions. Bed!!
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