Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dentist visit, paint and more cute children!

Today started sunny outside but windy through out the day with afternoon clouds. The team's attitudes remain sunny!

This morning following breakfast they headed down to met our new local dentist, Dr. Winick.

They talked with him a bit, saw his space [my old examination room] and prayed with him.

This afternoon Dr. Winick heads to Port-au-Prince so he can catch an MAF charter tomorrow morning to LaGonave.

This will not only be his first ever plane ride but also his first time joining a Starfysh work team.

The majority of the team started a new project of painting the new office space for Compassion's Child Surviver Program.

 Being in the middle of classrooms and the school day they could not enjoy boisterous singing or loud music but they painted well despite this limitation.

During the morning preparations occurred for Bible class number two. David and Goliath.

Last night we discussed some slight changes that may improve the class so we will see....

Lunch consisted of Haiti's traditional Independence Day meal of pumpkin soup paired with fried breadfruit and a soursop /corossol milk drink.

This afternoon I'll estimate we between 165-175 children.

We sang, enjoyed the story of David and Goliath, sang, worked on a verse and prayed.

A few of the children like yesterday asked to pray to accept the Lord.

The handing out of stickers worked 100% better as we had folks at the doors while other's handed out stickers row by row.

Once you received your sticker you could quietly leave and walk to the volleyball court for a game of musical chairs.

We needed to stop a couple times for noise control and try to get the children to listen quietly but all and all everything went well.

Massage class set for 2 p.m. on Friday and more painting. Because of afternoon volleyball matches in Port Margot there will be no Bible class. Some people asked for massages so will see how that goes tomorrow morning and a class at 2 p.m.

Supper tonight consists of leftover beef potpie, pumpkin soup, salad and a new dish for the team of sweet potato casserole.

We enjoy the devotional time with the team and hearing different people's special 'God moments' of the day

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