Monday, November 21, 2011

Walk, clinic, learning, reading.

Cooler weather and still limited rain lured us out of the house on Saturday morning for a walk. Cory and the kids went all the way up to our nearest cell tower while I spent some alone time 1/2 way up enjoying the view of the valley and talking to the Lord. [Yes they have better lungs than me]

Today Cory worked on office work while keeping an eye on our students. Clinic crowd moderately busy so I visited with 5 patients and interacted with a few of the student nurses. Today's patient diagnoses included: malaria, scabies, ear channel infection, constipation, very bad teeth, bronchitis, and GI worms.

Three moms received information about dental care, not buying hard candy and pop for their children and good nutrition. The students also learned about breast feeding, introduction of solid food, dangers of putting small cotton applicators in ear channels, WIDAL test for typhoid and more.

Only about 5 folks in the Cholera area. The pastor talked about a school in Haiti that was hit hard with the Cholera [I think it was recent?] with over 150 students hospitalized at one time and 50 died. Very sad.

Eli and Anna continue to learn during and after school hours. Both are looking forward to sharing a Thanksgiving meal with some other kids on Saturday at the radio station as well as visiting LaGonave.

After sharing on our homeschool curriculum forum what Cory shared about 'yeah' I learned that there are a few ways to use this word. Think I'll try to change to YAY-to mean excitement and not just agreement. Words can be tricky to use correctly. Today in French our teacher introduced 10 new verbs to us. Fortunately they all end in 'er' so we will be able to learn the different forms in a group.

Reading older classics one also becomes aware of how the meanings of words change with time. I enjoy the ease of looking up unfamiliar words while I read with the Kindle! We just read H. G. Wells' book the The Time Machine over the weekend. Interesting discussions occurred due to this book. Now we will need to pick our next book.


The Bronkema Family... said...

let us know if you ever read books that you think would be good ones for Lyric and Gavin to read. Lyric is a bookworm and we LOVE good recommendations. Gavin is not, so we love anything that might capture his mind...Eli might have suggestions! Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Edd Russell said...

The ah-haa moments in language learning are great. But we are still so young in our Thai studies that we do not get very many of them.

What I find interesting are when there are similar concepts in word use between English and Thai even though the languages are so dissimilar. Like today we learned the word for crook/crooked--and it works the same as in English in that it applies to both physical form and ethical behavior. I rejoice in such moments because I learn two words with the effort of learning only one!