Wednesday, November 16, 2011

End of week one.

Mail came Tuesday, the 15th, including a couple of letters, a couple magazines, a few books and new DVD's and yes a few of these items fall under the category of Christmas presents. When shopping for gifts includes  international shipping one needs to start early in order to make sure at least some arrive before Christmas Day.

Cory visited the market in Port Margo, Wednesday morning for produce. We plan to celebrate family Thanksgiving on Thursday [START School holiday] and then with the other local ex-patriot families with a potluck Saturday at the Christian radio station near Cap Haitian.

Anna decorated the living room for Thanksgiving. We will enjoy these decorations for the week and then move on toward Christmas.

Cory's guys cleared and prepared more land for planting this week. Unfortunately one of his workers, Evon hit his finger with the machete yesterday. Cory accompanied him to clinic and thankfully reported the injury turned out minor. Evon surprised him by even coming to work today.

Despite schools in Haiti being off for the anniversary of the last major battle in Haiti's fight for independence..we put in a full school day. Next week will take our day off.

The motivation to get into a good school day pattern is being undermined by the knowledge of a holiday next week, a major trip the next week, followed by several days of standardized testing [providing the tests arrive]. Still I'm pleased with the outcome of our first week of new topics.

Often at meals we discuss items learned that day. Mine today, thanks to Cory-- proper spellings Yeah! or yea. For a long time I've used 'yeah' without the ! to indicated excitement over news. Never occurred to this poor speller that it could be taken as 'yeah so what' tone. So sorry if I've confused you or upset you by my improper spelling of a happy complement. I rarely use this word in formal newsletters or correspondence so Cory's not had the chance to point it out to me until now.

Praise Dad doing well.
Prayer for Norther district youth representatives meeting this weekend.

1 comment:

Betsy de Cruz said...

Blessings on your Thanksgiving week. We always celebrate on Friday night! Gives me more time to prepare and doing it at night means Turkish friends can come.