Friday, October 23, 2009

23 Oct. Trip preparations & Prayer Requests

Yes we're packing for a trip. We plan to be gone for almost two weeks. I know that I'll not have internet the first week and limited the second. So those of you who check daily will need to take a short vacation. Will have plenty to blog about when we return.
The trip should look something like this.
  • Sunday 25. Leave Fauche about 6 a.m. Stop to visit Gonaive's church for morning worship. Continue on to Haiti Baptist Mission in the mountains above Port-au-Prince.

  • Monday 26th. Port day as we renew our residential visas and Sloan's their visitor visas. Grocery shopping. Drop off Moringa tree seeds to an other mission in Port.

  • Tuesday continue visa work if needed
  • Wedsenday Cory, Chris and Kathleen plan on traveling to LaGonave. Eli and Anna voted to stay at the Baptist [ex-pat kids to play with and ice cream]
  • Friday 30th Cory, Chris and Kathleen return from LaG.
  • Monday Nov. 2 Say good-bye to the Baptist mission and travel a couple hours toward home to the Kaliko Resort for the Caribbean Area Missionary Retreat.
  • Friday Nov. 6th Return home.
Now remember the last time we traveled to PAP it took us 9 hours to travel about 110 miles. Some of the roads have improved since last year but we'll travel a bit farther up to the Baptist.

Folks are traveling from both North and South America for the retreat. Other than Pastor Carl and Zac we haven't seen any other Wesleyan missionaires in over a year. Will be our first time meeting some of the Haiti team as well as the McGradys, our pastor to the missionary family.

In order for the LaGonave trip to happen-so that Cory can check in on the agricultural work he still has occurring there and to give the Sloans a chance to see the work on LaGonave and visit an English class - the government paperwork has to be finished on Monday or Tuesday.

Another item we encourage you to join us in praying about is the medical clinic. Thankfully with some donations the clinic has been able to pay the employees what was owed. However the clinic is not seeing enough patients on a daily/weekly basis to break even financially.

Pastor Rigo shared with us yesterday that the doctor who was let go in August is planning on starting a clinic up right across the road from us in Fauche. One of our two full time nurses is working with him on this. They both are Jehovah Witnesses. Please pray about this situation.

1 comment:

The Bronkema Family... said...

Praying for safe travels for you guys and your other requests. Hope all is going well for you on your trip!