Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan. 26th Team comes tomorrow!

Cory did end up having both classes but the first one was started late because of the rain. Cory was advised to have another class in February and start it at 10 am. About 20 people discussed problems they are having, topics they would like to learn about, the diseases in the bananas, Moringa and bamboo.

While they know the bananas are sick they didn't know how the disease is transferred from one location to another [plants, boots/shoes, machete]. Everyone who wanted a Moringa tree received one.

In the afternoon Cory met with a group of young people from Port Margot. They too are interested in agriculture and received Moringa trees. Both groups are church based and had prayer and devotions.

We also cleaned up the house for the team's visit. Didn't get much school work done but today is a NEW day. We have continued to have rain-total since Thursday equaling over 8 inches.

Just received an E-mail requesting prayer for 300 people who just set sail from LaGonave on a banana boat heading to Miami. Please pray for the safety of these desperate people. No jobs, high priced food, and little hope locally push them to risk their life at sea for the tiny chance of a better life.

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