Saturday, May 25, 2024

The adventures continue

Today we enjoyed our last chapel service that Anna could attend with us.

Our first full week we enjoyed just family time: talking, walking, chapels, games, and more.

Sunday we attended church in Jembo and it was not a typical service at all. 

Mid-week 5 men in the area including a member of the school board and a teacher were drinking some homemade mixture of alcohol and 4 of them died. 

The Bible students went to help minister to the families and helped to dig the graves.

Due to the funerals, only about 50 people were in church on Sunday and it was noted that most of those in attendance were associated with the Bible College. 

The singing was all acappella and very beautiful.

Wednesday morning we worshiped in Choma with the Poetice Mission team before heading on to Livingstone.

We enjoyed showing Anna around.

To celebrate Father's Day and our anniversary early we did a walking tour in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park.

Anna saw her first giraffes and rhino while on the walk. A very special family memory for all of us.

Another supprise for her was supper while watching the sun set over the Zambezi river before sleeping in tents.

Thursday we showed her Victoria Falls with its amazing power; multiple rainbows; and upward rising mist. Wonderful moments.

A short walk across the bridge to the Zimbabwe side and then we headed back to town.

Some shopping and then we returned to Jembo in the dark. 

Anna and Fritz enjoyed the dirt road by moon light from the back of the truck.

Sunday we will return to Jembo church before heading to Lusaka on Monday.

Anna flys out on Tuesday returning to California to start her summer internship with a DA's office. 

Then Wednesday the three of us will head north for a long road trip through Copper Country. 

We will try to connect or at least see and pray over 8 Wesleyan churches during this trip; seeing the land and trees so that Cory can better advise about the agricultural potential of the area; and just for fun try to visit the source of the Zambezi River [a church plant is planned for the nearest town in the future].

The second to last day we plan to travel through the northern part of the Kafue National Park hoping to see more animals.

This will also be a good trip for us to celebrate Fritz starting 8th grade which we plan to do following the trip.

Thank you for your prayers!

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