Friday, May 31, 2024

Copperbelt Road Trip part one.

 This will just be a quick update and hopefully I can fill in more details after we are back at Jembo next week.

We headed to Lusaka, the capital on Monday which was not only Memorial Day in the USA but our 29th wedding anniversary.

We enjoyed the day doing some needed shopping as well as taking Anna for lunch to the Kalimba Reptile Park and watching the old movie Swiss Family Robinson  in our hotel room before bed.

We didn't need to have Anna to the airport on Tuesday until after 6 p.m. so we visited a couple DAPP used clothing stores-the proceeds help young people receive agricultural a win, win, especially since most items were for 80 cents that day.

We also headed to the National church office to drop off some fruit trees that Cory had bought on Monday [we will swing by and pick them up before heading back to Jembo].

We enjoyed meeting and talking during lunch with Bishop Judan and the church office staff before heading back to the hotel and then to the airport. After waiting with Anna a bit we headed back to the hotel for the night.

Wednesday we headed north instead of west through town thinking the GPS would avoid the morning rush hour traffic jams but it took us on a very bumpy dirt road that added a few hours to our day.

Checking a soybean field

We met with Rev. Sineere  in the town of Kabwe and then we met with Pastor Mwiinga  and the church secretary in the town of Mpongwe and traveled to see the church and the farm.

Thursday we made a short drive to Ndola where we enjoyed visiting the Copperbelt museum before meeting up with Rev. Kampeweu and visited his home, also meeting his wife and baby.

We continued on to just past Solwezi where we stopped for the night, enjoying the sound of running water and large trees.

This morning we backtracked just a bit to Solwezi where we stopped at the Kifubwe National Monument and saw the prehistoric etchings on a rock wall near a stream.

Then we met with Pastor Ronald Mainza and saw the church, before heading west again.

We drove by the secondary school Rev. Kimbinyi told us to look for but turned around shortly and found him and a few of the members at the church. 

We were enthusiastically greeted, visited a bit and left after praying with them, as we had done with the others after hearing prayer requests.

Tonight we are in the town of Mwinilunga, planning to head a bit further north tomorrow to see the source of the Zambezi river and do a bit of bird watching.

Sunday we will start the trip back to Jembo. 

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