Thursday, October 7, 2021

Cory's Delice Visit

Extra large sweet potato

    My visit to Delice went well. Delayed in July and August, it was good to finally visit in person with the workers, Agape Kids and do some work in the gardens and house.

Heading up the mountain with more of the fence.

The timing was extra good since the Agape kids were unexpectedly relocated to Port au Prince on Saturday.

I had planned to drive them to the church at their school for their monthly visit but at least I met and prayed with them the day they left, also giving a devotional book and candy.

Hail damage to Malay Apple tree leaves

The trees and gardens varied in health, some things growing well and some things doing poorly.

The July hail didn't help. Some things looked untouched and other plants showed damaged leaves or fruit.


Coffee fruiting after a year in a sheltered location

Haiti is very unstable and the fuel shortage is getting worse.

So I decided I would leave the less urgent work undone and change my ticket to return early in the week instead of Friday.

Coffee not doing well

When transport unions and factories called for a country-wide lockdown/protest Monday, my taxi driver called recommending we go to the airport area early Sunday.

 I agreed and stayed at a hotel Sunday night. Travel was uneventful although the mountain road was so eroded it took 3 hours instead of the usual 2-2.5 to go the 16 miles.

Break time at school

Satellite internet sheild that let rain into the receiver


A surprise new crop with potential - Chia, a high value,
 high nutrition food, growing next to unhealthy looking cabbage

New school rooms, at what is now our nearest neighborhood.

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