Saturday, March 14, 2020

Busy, varied week of projects.

Because Cory traveled down the mountain on Thursday and we worked on a variety of projects, our week feels chopped up.

This was Fritz's best week of school so far this year! Leaving more time for him today to play, watch the guys work on the floor/ shed roof, in addition to getting caught up a bit in math.

Monday was cold and cloudy (we were IN the clouds most of the day) so Cory started working on making a door for our storage room.

We also started to think about writing thank you letters and Newsletters, with the idea that Cory could deliver them to be mailed if / when he went down the mountain.

[For those of you who get snail mail updates-will be a couple weeks likely before they arrive in the USA.]

Tuesday, he worked on squaring up the shed doorway, the bottom layer of the pond base was finished and we continued our correspondence writing.

Wednesday they cut and placed the q-deck on the shed; printed, folded, stuffed, stamped, addressed & sealed the 200+ letters; worked on shopping list, and did some laundry.

There were two big reasons for Cory to go this week for supplies, banking, and food shopping: the start of rainy season that can damage the mountain road and hinder evening travel up the mountain, and the fact that we don't know what will happen in Haiti when the coronavirus starts being diagnosed.

 Now with additional food supplies and supplies for projects we can potentially remain on the mountain for a few months without problem.

While Cory was gone, Fritzlin and I started a new project to surprise him.

We took a bucket and clippers and started walking around the property looking for a specific kind of weed that Cory wanted removed before the dark brown seeds start to sprout during the rainy season.

Sticky but don't poke much. 
We filled two 5-gallon buckets with Fritz excitedly clipping the second time we went out. Friday as a school break we went out again each with clippers and a bucket.

As one could predict-the 'fun' part soon wore off for Fritz.

The weed seeds kind of look like the drawings of corona so today when I headed out by myself with the 2 buckets I spent my time praying about the crises.

 I'm a preventive medicine doc and by nature as well prefer to prevent problems.  "Fear not for I am with thee!"

I learned the first day to cover my braid after Fritz had to help me get a few seeds out..but today I ended up with an even bigger batch stuck to my head.

 Makes me think of the sin in my life. I get one area a bit under control and suddenly the same issue pops up in a different area of life or a different issue surprises me by causing problems.

So thankful that we serve a good, powerful God who is never surprised, never sleeps, always loves us.

God surprised me today..walking back with my buckets of weeds I saw one a bit off the path..and so went to collect it. Looking up a bit further off the path I saw a patch of wild crocus flowers!

They don't last long and I'd of missed them if I hadn't been weed hunting.

Thank you Lord!

Now I can go and transplant them closer to the house for continued enjoyment.

New step replacing the bag sitting above it.
Continued thankfulness for our in-house internet. Staying connected with our adult children, family, and friends is important during these days of uncertainty.

 Glad that Anna has support close by and that Eli is there for her.

Praying for wisdom, patience, and sharing God's love to all!

New pink crocus transplanted by house
Spring Berries!

1 comment:

Chris and Kath Sloan said...

Praying and trusting and asking God to pour out his mercy on Haiti right now! And praying for you and your family. God, please keep surprising us with your goodness.