Monday, July 29, 2019

Back in Haiti...internet not so great.

Today makes two weeks since we left Michigan.

Our travels went well to Haiti and we made it home on Thursday July 18th.

The house, other than needing some dusting and sweeping, looked pretty good.

Cory replaced the inverter that wasn't working and the refrigerator fan the first day.

Since then Fritz and I have done some school, cleaning, and organizing most days.

Cory and I have spent hours trying to point the satillight dish at the right spot so we can have internet in the house....but nothing worked.

We also purchased a new SIM card for the phone with hopes of being able to read our emails that way...nope, apparently the last couple of weeks haven't been good for Natcom either.

So early yesterday morning we traveled down the mountain and arrived at the Ortlip Center guest house just after 8 a.m.

Checked our emails and then Cory headed off to Port-au-Prince for some shopping.

Apple tree with hail
The internet here was also having issues so I was on a bit yesterday morning and only after supper was I able to be on again.

Cory made his way back and we hope to get some office work done before we head back home today, including sending out a short update to our support team.

Should the parts we picked up on this trip not work to get us internet on the mountain we'll likely head back down in a couple of weeks to check emails again.

So if you really need to get a hold of us...try to reach Eli or Kris' folks. Now and then we have been able to get a short text message on our Digcel phones..and they could relay a message to try to call someone..when we happen to get a few bars of phone reception.

Eli has a job that he will start in a couple of weeks. We've not heard many details yet but know it is where he did a summer internship a couple of years ago.

Anna is finishing up her time at camp and then will focus on getting her driving permit.

Fritzlin and I plan to start third grade later this week!

Cory has been planting trees and plants, weeding the garden, fertilizing and mulching around the trees...when not working on the internet.

His guys also worked on the rock walls around the stairs.

Thanks for the prayers.

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