Monday, March 18, 2019


Cory made it to Délice without any problems on Saturday with his 30 different apple trees.

He's happy to report that the trees and plants look good and the guys have dug many holes around the property.

They have been watering the nursery every third day. Praise the Lord for water in the cistern.

Kodie, our cat looks healthy.

I wish that each of you could walk just once through the garden with Cory and listen to the excitement in his voice when he talks about the different trees and the potential impact of each.

Many of you who have only seen him speak in a church setting would be very surprised to see how animated he becomes and would likely have to limit his conversation when he started into the technical, detailed facts about fruits and plants that most of us can't understand.
PVC for hoop house made travel interesting. 

“Your vocation in life is where your greatest joy meets the world's greatest need.” —Frederick Buechner.

When work deals with plants and trees [especially fruit] Cory's work looks exactly like his hobby,  his idea of fun, and how he wants to use his leisure time. 

The joy he gets from the Lord's creation can meet a great need in Haiti, food security. 

Cory enjoyed broccoli from the garden today!
I would very much love to see a map that marked where trees potted by Cory [family and his guys] in the last 20 years [Lagonave, Fauche, Délice] ended up.

 A second map could show all the people that Cory helped by sharing advise, answering questions or inspiring to plant.

Thankfully his guys can take care of the basic plant/trees and nurseries in our absence. 

However they still need him to point out some jobs and provide the directions and supplies for others. 

Only Cory's presence at Délice can continue to advance the agricultural project at an optimum pace.

He brought this bag back to Haiti with the trees in it. 
His  knowledge, studies and past experience blend together into a unique expertise that has and will continue to positively impact Haiti. 

 Pray for Cory's return trip. 

Scattered protests and road closings continue.

Cory plans to head down the mountain on Wed. and return to the USA with the rest of the Global Partner's team on Thursday. 

Please be praying for our return to Haiti as well. 

We started working on our check-list that we need to complete before we received approval to start a new term.

[I've added a FP tab at the top for those who would like to be praying for our faith promise needs]

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