Sunday, December 27, 2015

Noisy Day

A day full of happy noise as church contained lots of happy, noisy children and campus right now is full of their happy shouts, giggles, and laughter as Kid's Club winds down.

Yesterday we did a bit of cleaning, Dad painted the now smaller boot boxes, a load of laundry washed, and lots of reading, some video watching, and fun family time.

We learned where some of the extra children who attended the Kid's Club party came from.
 It seems when the boxes of Konsey books for Children were unloaded and put into storage on campus some folks speculated that the boxes contained Christmas gifts for children.

So children who do not normally attend Club, as some live a great distance from campus, traveled for the Christmas party in hopes of receiving gifts. Some of these children responded to a call to pray and give their life as a gift to Jesus.

Eli's picture to show folks the weather at his home. 
If the child shared contact information with someone in leadership we hope to be able to make sure that they receive a free copy of the Konsey for Children books.

Tomorrow afternoon the campus will host a different type of party. This party will be for the senior citizens of Fauche as well as the members of the adult literacy class. Anna will be singing at this one, this time in English with the same two friends she sang in French with this week.

A cloudy, cooler day but without rain. Cory noted that in a couple days the last garden to be planted, along with the plants/trees in the nursery will need to be watered if we do not get rain.

Eli is enjoying the humid, warmer weather.

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