Thursday, April 23, 2015

Prayer Requests

Twice today a young man sat on our doorstep.
Getting water for the trees in the first garden.
Once before, a few months ago he sat there as well.

His family attends the local church and many of the members pray for him.

I don't know much of LeeLee's story but enough to know that he comes during bad phases.

He spends most of his time in Cap Haitian I think but when his mental illness worsens he walks or finds his way on a bus and often returns to Fauche.

He will refuse food, bathing, or getting out of bed.
Friends can make it hard to study.
The family does their best to get him the treatment and medications that he needs but mental health care is very limited in rural Haiti.

Please join us in praying for LeeLee.

A week of school, book, office work and for Anna' volleyball practice. Eli finished up a couple of books along with his advanced physics course.

As we look toward Anna's next year we discovered that the teacher's guide became separated from the books. Since Eli's time draws short I decided a major organization of school year curriculum would be a good distraction from waiting for our referral phone call!

Boxes and plastic tubs containing 12 years of learning spread all over our living room. 

Most of the misplaced books are now returned to their correct boxes but sadly the missing teacher's guide for Anna's next year along with one from grade school remain missing.

With a small house and limited storage the mystery remains as to where the large notebooks can be hiding!?!?

Saturday Anna will travel to the other side of Cap Haitian to compete at a volleyball tournament. 

She will play on her normal team as well as both the girls teams for the older age groups; the 15-16 year olds and 17-18 year olds.  

Please pray for her to stay safe, hydrated and keep the sun screen on!  

A cloudy Saturday would be great, especially if it brings needed rains.

 The young local peanut plants in sandy gardens along the river flood plain look very wilted these days.

Rain is needed for a good harvest. The harvests in this area are generally sold to help pay for school. 

We continue to pray about our adoption referral...any day!

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