Friday, January 3, 2014

Start to 2014

Today will be our second school day of 2014.

Hearing lots of folks in the USA complaining about single digit temperatures on Facebook. I am thankfully for my jeans, hoodie, socks and blanket knowing that many of my neighbors do not own warm clothes.

While our nights drop into the lower 70's or upper 60's you must remember that like our neighbors, there is no glass in our windows, no heat, no hot water, and most people here do not own heavier clothes or blankets.

In December we only received between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain here. Very unusual for us to be dry this time of year.  Nice for the drying of all the volleyball uniforms. Our lawn being out of the way provided a good spot for drying.

With no trips or teams planned for the next 4 weeks we plan to spend 4 full week focusing on school, the plant/ag book and my family practice board before my folks and a small His Hands team come on the 29th.

We did stay up to ring in the New Year watching DVD's and playing computer games. Tried to connect to watch some of the big USA celebrations but the internet did not cooperate.

Two families on campus shared the traditional pumpkin soup of Haiti's Independence Day with us on January 1st. So thankful to be part of this community.

Yesterday we did clean up the house a bit anticipating a visit from some of the OMS missionaries. We met the one family at the Thanksgiving celebration and the second on Facebook.

I encouraged Eli and Anna to clean up their rooms in case the kid's wanted to see them or hang out and sadly the children did not come for the garden tour visit.

Sorry Eli and Anna! But now you have a good start the month of preparing for grandparents.

Cory shared about his trees and plants. Prepared a smoothy from frozen egg fruit to give a taste along with some bananas and breadnuts. Shared a couple of Creole health books.

Think they will be back to learn more, visit with their children and pick up some trees and plants that Cory will share with them for the seminary or OMS campus.

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