Monday, May 13, 2013

Doctor again!?!?

Yesterday my children cooked for me, we worshiped together and overall enjoyed the day.

The one BAD spot occurred after the final hymn starting the final prayer when I looked down to my hands on the pew back and realized with shock NO wedding ring!!!

Thankfully this was the end of the service because I'm afraid my attention at that point only focused on trying to remember the last time I remembered my ring. [Tuesday in Cap Haitian.]

We walked slowing back up the hill looking in the grass and praying. Not in the living room. Not in my bed. On the floor beside the bed!! Thank you Lord.

Of course one of my dear children decided that this rated top billing as news to share with Cory when we talked to him on the phone before bed. [I took a plastic craft bead from Anna and used it to tighten up my ring a bit.]

Today started up as normal. I wrote out my to-do list and started in on it. We started our school day after breakfast with Bible and counting out the days to assure ourselves that we can complete the year a few days before heading to the USA in August.

Then I walked down to clinic to get a 'wish-list' and add a dosage change to a chart from Friday's clinic.

On the walk down Pastor Rigo let me know that one doctor he could not reach and the second doctor needed to do a clinic out of town. So Monday clinic, generally the biggest of the week and no ???

Friday's 'Yes' and attitude came much easier because my students already completed the work and did not expect a school day.

Today I expected to focus on school. So I'm sad to admit I grumbled a bit. [Once again I'm forced to restart my personal challenge of going 21 days without grumbling. SIGH]

 I do not like feeling obligated to change my plans at the last minute.

I prayed a few times during the busy morning for the Lord to change my attitude, fill my cup with patience, joy, and love so I did not miss the opportunities in front of me to reflect His love.

I adjusted to the idea that my priority at this time is to school Eli and Anna but this causes a lot of tension when I push school aside to do non-emergency medicine.

I did not deal well when not just one but two nurses smirked at me when they added charts to my pile. Surprising how often in life I just would like to be a kid again and stomp my feet! Or pout.

And since I'm confessing poor attitudes today-I took a bit of pleasure of correcting one of the smirking nurses who's blood pressure readings were wrong most of the time. I did deal with her one-on-one away from others in a professional manner but did point out when she blamed the cuff that while that was possible that same cuff took accurate readings on Friday.

So please keep praying for me as the Lord is not finished and I still need some polishing. Thankful He forgives me. Thankful He helped to rapidly change my grumbling, poor-me attitude to a better one of praise. Thankful that only 4 of 17 patients needed laboratory testing. Thankful that Beth helped to get the wish list to LaGonave so perhaps we can get some donated supplies either tomorrow with Cory or next week. Thankful that my students work well independently moving on to what they can so we can work together when we can.

For those who asked-I do not have a follow up on the seriously ill child from Friday.

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