Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Visitors, seeds, apples, and corn.

Wednesday but feels like it should be later in the week to me.

Chatted on-line with Mom today so we could sing her Happy Birthday!

Cory and Scott left at 5:30 a..m. for the airport.

Good thing as when Cory returned to campus at 11 a.m. he discovered that someone locked the gate and left with the keys.

David and a couple of newly converted witch-doctors joined us for supper last night.

They hoped to leave earlier but waited close to 45 minutes for the gate key to be found.

They arrived between rain showers and Cory fit in a short garden tour before a late supper.

They will visit a mission closer to Cap Haitian today as David investigates a ministry possibility before heading back toward Port-au-Prince.

Scott carries with him over two pounds of mail that Cory and I generated on Monday and Tuesday.

Thankful he was willing to protect our documents and send them on via registered mail in the USA. Paperwork sprint.

Very thankful that yesterday we received an order of seeds that Cory researched and is excited to try at our location.

Our malay apples continue to grow.

No picture but we enjoyed a taste of homegrown sweetcorn this week.

Most ears were less than 4 inches and maybe contained 100 kernels.

One was a bit bigger and Anna enjoyed it as with her brackets she cannot eat hard Haitian field corn.

The blue corn yielded 2 kernels. Guess it did not like our soil or weather.

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