Saturday we rose at 4 a.m. to prepare breakfast for the team before their 5 a.m. departure.
Because we have a visitor coming on Wed. to stay in the Dearest House for two weeks I did grab the sheets from there and started the first load of laundry between the good byes / team leaving and going back to bed.
They loaded into two pick-up trucks and were off. No delays or road protests on the way to the airport.
We enjoyed their visit!
I hung the first load of wash before sunrise and filled the drying rack with clean dishes.
Eli and Anna impressed me by working a while organizing the House of Hope and cleaned the Dearest House.
We completed 3 loads of wash.
I did work on paring down my in-box and worked on a few E-mails.
And cleaned a bit of my house but I've been fighting a head cold which periodically throughout the night forces me to wake up and mouth breath so it was easy to convince myself to take it easy.
I worked on some blog posts in the afternoon while Anna and I watched movies.
Saturday night during a rain storm that dumped 3.5 inches of rain on us and caused heavy flooding in Cap Haitian we heard a large crash.
Rotten roots Cory reports.
The positive side of loosing the tree? Cory will have a spot to plant something else.
Church crowd nearly filled all the pews and the singing filled the air with wonderful enthusiasm.
For any team members who thought that last week's couple hours made the seat hard-this week's service lasted over 2.5 and then members shared communion after that.
A nice Sunday with time to rest and reflect.
Today will try to get back into the swing of school [I've had papers to grade since before the team came.] The grapefruit tree will be cut up. Office work and projects will be worked on.
1 comment:
Wow, I don't know how you do it. Sounds like pretty heavy duty hospitality, bless your heart!
I love that you call it the "Dear House." I might start calling mine that too. Might give me a sweeter attitude as I clean up between guests!!!
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