Cory worked on firming up plans for the trip to LaGonave tomorrow. He plans to leave early with Scott and Genner in order to drop off plants in St. Marc with our friends, Chris and Leslie at Clean Water For Haiti Clean water for Haiti. Friends for a few years by E-mails/ Facebook now to met in real life.
We pray the trees will do well and think they will because:
1. goat free property 2. people who like tropical fruits and trees 3. water to irrigate!
In addition by spreading out some of the rarer fruit trees we reduce the chances of them all being injured in a storm or local insect invasion or being stolen. The more folks who benefit the better!
Then the guys will drop off the truck and 500 books heading to LaGonave at the Irvines and head to catch the ferry. The books will head over when a Wesleyan boat trip occurs. They plan to head back on Thursday.
Anna, Eli and I completed a good school day. Two lessons of French missed so we continue to study on our own. Well Anna and Eli work on Rosette Stone but these days I find I need my translation skills to work on the Konsey book revisions and additions.
Scott's fitting in well as Anna noted today: He likes plants [Cory], medicine [Kris], animals [Anna] and lego's [Eli].
Stopped down at clinic this morning to ask the students to take a look at the book and give me suggestions for additions. I think there were over 20 students, nursing and lab technicians for the four patients!
Mme Fanny's son remains in prison while most of the other people returned to their homes. Mme Rosemary didn't know the details of why but had to do with money.
Cory learned that some of the homes that received damage during last week's protests are owned by people that were not involved in any way.
UN helicopter flew over head today but the road remained open and Port Margot's schools re-opened.
We pray that the protests will not return. Over the next few weeks Cory has trips out to do and some visitors plan to come to visit.
1 comment:
encouraging bio diversity and spreading the plants to help others sounds like a good idea. I smiled that your first point was a goat free property - always a good thing when it comes to plants.
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