Friday, March 13, 2009

March 13. WE GOT POWER!!!

I'm grateful that we always have the Lord's power and we're thankful that we don't need wires or equipment to tap that Power. He is always with us. Nothing can separate us from His love.
Now about about another kind of power. Well our hopes went up a few days ago when neighbors received government electricity. Then for a couple days they were working on the power lines to the compound. Yesterday we saw this....

And last night our batteries were able to charge a few hours off government power. Now we have had electricity thanks to battery system that charges by our small generator or our solar panels. But everyone else has been without electricity basically since JUNE! They only had a couple hours, a couple days in September. It was nice to look out and see the compound with some lights.

The second batch of banana plants made it fine from Florida. Cory may try a third batch before we visit the States. He is hoping to have some ready for the pastors who will be attending conferences here at Fauche this summer.
Here are the plants from the first batch.

The guys hauled some rice hulls and more dirt from charcoal pits this week. Cory doesn't have to worry about running out of potting mix. He also received some of the bamboo seeds that he was able to order through the mail from the USA and England. Still waiting on those from Germany.


Peter Olson said...

I noticed those large trees next to the power lines. They would be cut down here to prevent them from falling on the wires during a storm.
I take for granted our power here. If the lights flicker I say, "Oh Oh!"
Amen on the real POWER SOURCE!

Peter J. Olson

Tiffany said...

Thanks for your comment on the Global Food Crisis post the other day. We made it to 127 comments!

I've enjoyed looking through your blog. The pictures you share are good. My husband got to visit Haiti once many years ago.

Kris Thede said...

I'm doing my best to protect those big trees-almost as rare as 24 hour power here. Glad the Lord is 100% faithful.

Glad you made your goal of 100 and for the work with Global Food Crisis day.Not an easy problem but everyone together can make a difference.