Thursday, August 29, 2024

Conference in Hungary...Part 1

 We headed to Lusaka early on Tuesday, August 13th to fly to Vienna, Austria via Dubai. 

This was our first time through Dubai and we didn't have very long to explore the airport other than Cory buying 5 new kinds of dates he had never tasted.

Our first time on a 'double decker' plane! 

Economy seating filled the lower level but we did get to see the stairs that the other passengers use to go to the top level.

While planning the travel we found flights to Vienna plus a train ride cost less than a flight to Budapest so we chose the longer route to see more sights. 

My birthday was celebrated  in 3 countries, 3 capital cities, 2 continents, 2 time zones, in airports, train stations, planes, trains, bus, walking, and sleeping a bit. 

We left the Vienna airport to figure out the train to the main train station where we enjoyed a few snacks while waiting for our 2.5 hour train ride to Budapest, Hungary. 

While Fritz napped the whole ride, Cory and I were surprised to learn that the land looked like Michigan, fairly flat with many small fields and one area with lots of wind turbines.

Once in Hungary it took our tired minds a while to figure out how to purchase subway tickets to where our Airbnb was located but with great relief we suceeded, walked a bit, and sank into our beds.

We traveled a couple of days early so we visited St. Stephen's Basilica and the National Museum of Hungary, both on the Pest side of the Danube River. 

So many buildings with artistic shapes, textures, faces, or statutes and fancy doors..even along small alleys ! 

Lots to see. 

Photos are not compressed so clicking on them should zoom to a much larger version.

Saturday morning we headed to the hotel where we met up with Eli who came to help out with the program for the missionary kids. 

The hotel was on Margarette Island in the middle of the river.

With him, we explored a bit on the Buda side of the river: Fisherman's Bastion, the Hospital in the Rock, and Buda Castle grounds. 

We found some food and headed back to our place. Eli overnighted at the hotel and we joined him Sunday morning.

Eli and Fritz roomed together and explored a bit on Sunday as did Cory. I had a nap and then talked with other GP folks arriving for the conference.

Monday the conference started with meetings in the mornings and after supper time.

The afternoon's were free time unless individual meetings were set up.

Additional site seeing that included the four of us: a boat ride on the Danube River; a visit to the Cave Church, hike up to the Citadella [closed for renovations], trying a Hungarian fry bread called Lángos.

Cory and I also visited Great Market Hall where Cory found a new fruit for us to try...snake fruit. 

On the free day Fritz enjoyed the company of the teens, their leaders, and friends from Nicaragua. Eli, Cory and I were joined on our first stop by friends as we visited the Dohany Street Synagogue, the largest in Europe.

Then we split up and headed to one of Eli's choices The Trash Art Museum that had a great chameleon sculpture. 

Then we walked across town visit the Hungarian Agricultural Museum

This is housed in a building that is like a castle!

Then we walked to Hero's Square as it was relatively close. 

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