Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Jembo Well Work and Haiti Jackfruit, Peach Palm.

Students helped.
After nearly two months of waiting, the well company arrived to work on the water wells.

One delay was being busy with a government job about 15 miles away installing a solar pump system.

They tested our current water source. 

The 2hp pump is too big for the water available, so we can get a 1hp pump and use the larger pump in a new well/borehole.

The test ran for more than an hour, giving 2 buckets or about 10 gallons per minute as they checked the water level in the well every 5 minutes until it stabilized.

We took advantage of the test water since the well is next to the avocados and fruit orchard.

The avocados have shown good drought tolerance, growing well and only some of them showing slight water stress now after about 5 weeks or more with no watering.

The old borehole in back of our house has a blockage about half way down.

They tried to fish out the pump that had been dropped but could not get past the blockage. 

Please be in prayer for some important land negotiations that the church and Bible College leadership are currently working on.

Also for the right equipment and location to be chosen for a new well to provide the water needed for the school, gardens and fruit trees.

Gener continues as an agricultural worker for us, back in Northern Haiti on the Fauche Wesleyan Campus.

He sent some photos of Jackfruit and peach palm. 

The mangos, canistel and other fruits are finished for now, partly because the dry season was long.

I had planted seeds from several very good jackfruit varieties.

Peach Palms with immature fruit, which will grow more
and turn red, orange or yellow when ripe

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