Sunday, August 11, 2019

Butterflies, rain drops & seeds

Sunny start to a new week without fog or clouds.

Last week consisted of school, planting, hiking to get internet communications, and working on the house.

We received 5.75 inches of rain from late afternoon storms  this past week, with some of that working its way into the house and forcing us to mop up buckets of water. 

Thankfully Cory made progress by working on the roof. He’s taken out the screws to correct  tin that was put on wrong by flipping the edges, as well as taping some plastic down under the ridge caps.

He’s also drilling some holes to drain through the cement walls to drain leaks around the windows.

The guys worked on road / path maintenance, planting elephant grass and a few other plants.

Fritzlin and I helped a bit after our school days planting with Cory some garden plants: beans, peas, beets, carrots, swish chard, spinach to see what will do well. 

Planted some flower seeds as well.

Fritz was excited to release the monarch butterfly that hatched this week. 

We all weeded nursery pots in the shade house as well. 

Cory’s watching the weather and any protest plans as he wishes to make a trip soon to Port and then up to Fauche for a load of plants and for a short visit.

Our thoughts and prayers frequently turn north to Eli and Anna. Eli will be starting his new job tomorrow morning at 7. We will try to call him tomorrow to hear how his day went. Anna will start to store and pack for her return to Calvin. 

She’s praying and thinking about changing up her major to better reflect her interests. We’re very thankful to be able connect for a bit through messenger and emails with just a short hike. 

We continue to pray that we’ll be able to figure out how to get internet in the house. 

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