Thursday, May 23, 2019

Our mechanical engineer

I intentionally posted about Anna's shopping before posting about Eli's graduation from Calvin College because he was waiting to hear the results from his Fundamentals of Engineering [FE] Exam.

On Tuesday of last week he took this test, then had finals on Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday we joined him for the International Students Senior Luncheon, Chapel, and a family cookout put on by Calvin.

Saturday Cory and I were joined by our parents for a special breakfast at Calvin.

Then we all hung out at Eli's apartment for a while and enjoyed some pizza for lunch before heading to graduation.

The grandparents were in the soft chairs in overflow seating in Calvin's fine arts center while Fritz, Anna, and we sat in the upper level seats in the main sports arena.
International Calvin Seniors

One of Eli's mechanical engineering professors gave the main commencement speech.

We found him afterward at a reception area for Engineers and we also greeted some of the International Student office staff.

He moved his belongings back to Allegan that same night.

Yesterday he received the short, to the point email about the FE green 'PASSED'.

This is the second step of becoming a professional licensed engineer, the first step being earning his bachelor's degree in engineering.

So he moves on to step three: he will be updating his resume and starting the job hunt.

He needs at least four years of experience working under a licensed engineer before he can take the Principles and  Practice of Engineering Exam. 

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