Eli continues for three days of new student activities.
Today in a small group he will worship, an intro to Grand Rapids StreetFest, a service/learning project and then 'create your own adventure' this afternoon.
Yesterday's best surprise occurred when we bought his books... he's signed up for 16 credit hours this semester and his books cost about what 1.5 of my big science books cost when I attended college.
Because the International student orientation came late in the summer, many classes were already full before Ei met with his adviser.

One book, chemistry, not available so we bought get one on-line and it should be mailed to him by week.
We waited to arrange his room until his roommate arrived, but by 4 p.m. decided we'd better go ahead. He still has not arrived.
We enjoyed the family cookout in the middle of campus and then said our good-byes.
Eli still had three meetings before ending his day. We are very proud of him and excited to see him dive into college life.
We started today with straightening our living space and laundry [after a week we did take Eli's back as he's very busy the next few days, and we plan to visit on Sunday for dinner]
We will now turn our focus on preparing for our return to Haiti and starting Anna's school year.
Each Sunday we travel to a supporting church to share how the Lord is working in Haiti.
Aw man I was really hoping John the roommate had arrived, I bet Eli is ready to know who he will be living with this year! Praying he turns out to be a good friend and roommate! Thanks for the updates.
Thanks for the prayers and comments, Big Kids. Apparently John will not be coming to Calvin this year. So far Eli is enjoying the extra room.
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