Cory's been busy between office work, organizing yard work and putting up two more solar panels. This increases our solar power 1400 watts above our original 900 watts.
This amount should support our house, the school, clinic and rest of the campus during sunny days.
The battery reserves should cover our house and part of the clinic needs overnight.
Eli and Anna continue to work through their school days which end with fun with friends playing sports before supper.
Monday we dusted off our French skills and returned to class.
After almost 5 months without class, with only rare personal study and infrequent Rosetta Stone lessons I worried a bit about how the three of us would do, not wanting to disappoint our teacher or embarrass ourselves.
Thankfully we did well. Not perfect but good enough!
Our days wind down with reading. Soon we will start cleaning the guest houses and our house for the arrival of our special guests next week!
After the picture Cory gently placed our sleeping friend in a safe place. The flower returned into the house.
Tomato and beet season starting. A few mangos but not many bananas due to the storms this past fall.
Local school restarted this week.
Building continuing on campus.
Working with a few groups and individuals who would like to come visit us in 2013. Exciting!
1 comment:
We received two mangos in our fruit/veg box yesterday. Immediately thought of you all. That is a small frog!
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