Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Full Team's Last Day.

Valentine's Day started sunny but ends with a rainy finish.  Delivery of the delivery table occurred along with varnishing of a table for Kid's club and a medical records cabinet.

At lunch we enjoyed fancy decorated cupcakes after our potpie. And celebrated the Kling's 14th wedding anniversary. The cooks received some small gifts and large thanks from the team.

After lunch the team walked to the house of the third cook to present her gifts. Then headed down to see the local rice hulling location.

The ladies helped fry tortillas yet another learning experience for them. They did fine with the spring rolls yesterday and the cooking today. Gerda you can be proud!

The six team members heading out tomorrow packed their bags today and tonight we will have our final devotional time of sharing. Cory and Anna will bring them to the airport early tomorrow and then pick up some items that arrived by sea container before heading home. The newsletters will be delivered for the MFI flight on Thursday.

Eli and I plan to return to our school work-Eli begged off the last two days stating that it is more important to make memories while the team was here.

Will also work on a list of work projects and any needed supplies for the March team so that they can start to pack their bags.

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