Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb. 15th.

Today is a bit overcast and it seems a little like someone has let the air out of our ballon.  The team left this morning, Anna and Cory are still gone and so it is just the four of us here..Eli, Kris, Larry and me.

With the team leaving, the motor of the saw off to Michigan, the production of wooden objects has been curtailed.

 Larry did make a corner shelf for Anna, room, a rod to hang her clothes and fixed the door hanger of her room.  Grandma and Kris cleaned and rearranged Anna's bedroom as a surprise for her when she returns.

 Eli worked at some school studies and Grandma also sanded a bit for her varnishing projects.

 Sheets from the team were also washed and hung out to dry.

Last evening we had a team wrap up, just hearing various team members share about the things they learned during the last two weeks.

It was good to hear Nathan and Nicole share about liking to be with the Haitian children, their views of Haitian life.  We heard again thoughts of how blessed we are with what the Lord has given to each of us and how now the responsibility is each person's response to what we have seen.

We heard some very big dreams for the campus and some very heartfelt thanks for the trip.  Today we feel as if some of our family has gone back home.

Team made it off OK then Cory and Anna picked up mail, sea container cargo and did a bit of shopping.
Two loads of sheets done, a bit of school, French class and more organization.

Tomato soup and grilled cheese for supper and then a quiet evening.


Missus Wookie said...

I'm sorry the saw stopped working but hope they are able to fix it and return the motor. That medical records cabinet looks lovely, hope the delivery table and church benches are a blessing to all who use them. Anna's room surprise sounds lovely - I enjoyed seeing the cakes as well.

Sounds like a good trip. May the transition back to the four of you be smooth and school work restart easily.

Betsy de Cruz said...

Bless you. It sounds like you need more than a quiet evening. You need a few quiet days. I hope you can take them.