Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Accident Update

Thank you for your prayers for the LaGonave accident victims from Sunday's accident.

Here's an update from missionaries who helped as well as a link from a visiting doctor.

Dear Haiti Team...Just a little follow up information on the Accident Victims from Sunday.  The two most critical patients are now in the U.S.A..  Both had pelvic fractures and internal injuries.  There were many others treated for concussions, one fractured femur, one fractured wrist.  As far as I know all are doing well at this point.  One noteable mention is that on the day the accident happened a Canadian medical team specializing in orthopedics was on the mainland in Port-au-Prince, having only arrived the day before.  They saw and treated all of these patients.  Thank you so much for all the prayers on their behalf. 
Barry and Beth Gould
G.P./WISH Missionaries to Haiti

1 comment:

Jamie Jo said...

What a wonderful testimony of God's provision even during such a tragedy.